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Please choose the same quantity of tickets for all events in the package.

Season Subscription 2024/2025: PSYCHOGEOGRAPHIES

Included Events

Psychogeographies Project 2025
Klecksography 2025

Enter the desired number of flex passes



BRAVE - early booking

25% off of the Adult price - valid until August 31

Would you like to support Rorschach Theatre with a donation?

Make this a monthly donation.

You are authorizing a payment to Rorschach Theatre in the amount you entered above. This amount will be paid to the Rorschach Theatre each month on the same day of the month using the credit card you will provide in the next step.

You can change or cancel a recurring donation anytime.

After clicking Continue, you have 10 minutes to complete your order. If your order requires payment, please have your credit card available before continuing.

Click here to resend tickets   ::  Check your gift card balance

For information, please contact (202) 399-7993 x180

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